Mesh To Solid is a software to convert a mesh into a solid.
A mesh is a set of vertices connected by edges that describe triangular or quadrilateral faces. These faces describe the shape of the object that the mesh describes. Meshes are often used to describe closed solid or open surface objects. However, general solid modeling software do not have methods to manipulate or modify mesh objects. Solid modeling operations such as boolean operations (add, subtract, intersect), extrude, offset, fillet, chamfer, rib, draft, shell, hollow, etc. are possible only with solid or surface objects. Moreover, there is no way to convert a mesh into a solid so that the solid modeling operations can be carried out on it. Mesh To Solid solves this problem by giving you the ability to convert a mesh to a solid.
Mesh To Solid can read mesh objects from the following file formats:
Rhinoceros files (*.3dm)
3D Studio files (*.3ds)
Stereolithography files (*.stl)
Wavefront files (*.obj)
Mesh To Solid saves solid data in the following file formats:
ACIS files (*.sat)
Rhinoceros files (*.3dm)
Mesh To Solid is designed to be extremely user friendly and easy to understand. Its as easy as opening a mesh file using the Open command and saving it as a solid using the Save As command.

Keywords: Mesh To Solid, mesh, polygon mesh, polyface mesh, triangle mesh, solid, convert, conversion, create solid, surface, create surface, face, convert mesh, mesh conversion, software, program, utility, tool, stl, obj, 3dm, sat, mesh to nurbs, nurb, nurbs

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