TerrainCAD is a terrain generation, editing and modeling software. Powered by TerrainLib, TerrainCAD employs blazing fast and robust algorithms to create and modify terrain meshes in no time. The capabilities of TerrainCAD can be broadly classified as (1) Terrain Generation, (2) Terrain Editing, and (3) Terrain Modeling
Terrain Generation: TerrainCAD creates a terrain mesh from a set of unorganized survey points, breaklines and contours. The terrain mesh is created as a Delaunay Triangulation, which is regarded as the best method to create a terrain mesh from unorganized point data. TerrainCAD can also generate a terrain mesh directly from contours only. Breaklines can be employed to give TerrainCAD the intelligence to create superior terrain meshes that accurately resemble the actual landscape to be recreated.
Terrain Editing: Often terrain meshes need to be manually edited for various reasons. TerrainCAD makes this very easy by offering a host of terrain mesh editing commands. TerrainCAD has very useful commands to edit vertices, edges and faces of a terrain mesh.
Terrain Modeling: TerrainCAD also offers several mesh modeling commands. These commands help in altering the general topology of the mesh thereby making it suitable for further operations.

Keywords: TerrainCAD, Terrain, CAD, SYCODE, TerrainLib, Terrain, mesh, terrain mesh, library, toolkit, sdk, polygon mesh, polygon, create, creation, generate, generation, edit, editing, model, modeling, mesh toolkit, mesh library, mesh sdk, vertex, edge, face

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