Batch Processing to make DWG/DXF/DWF/DWF files to PDF files with NO need of AutoCAD Stand-alone utility - AutoCAD NOT required. Batch processing supported. DWG/DXF/DWF/DWF files created by every version of AutoCAD supported. Best format and version support: Input formats supported - DWG, DXF, DWF. Output formats supported - BMP, JPG (JPEG), GIF, PNG, TIF (TIFF). AutoCAD versions supported - R2.5-R2011.
True colors supported
Automatical or manual adjustment of the output pages size supported
Setting of output color (True Colors,Gray and Black-White) and background color supported
Conversion of model space, all layouts, all paper space, or last active layout to Image file supported
Output formats of BMP, JPG (JPEG), GIF, PNG, TIF (TIFF), etc. supported
DWG/DXF/DWF/DWF files created by all versions of AutoCAD (R2.5/2.6, R9, R10, R12, R13, R14, R2000/2002, R2004/2005/2006/2007/2008/2009/2010/2011) supported
Clean interface and simple buttons provided

Keywords: DWG to PNG, DWG to JPEG, DWG to BMP, DXF to PNG, DXF to BMP

Click to enlarge
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