Log in detail how much time is spent on a project, a type of activity, or other user-defined categories. Time can be recorded by using the built-in stopwatch, or entered manually. Multi-user access is possible when you place the Dimlog file in a location where all users have write access. No extra software needs to be installed on a server. Each user can have its own to-do items, or can create general to-do items that are visible for everyone. The calendar in Dimlog displays the to-do items on their due date. For each user, you can view or print timesheets. Time spending statistics are available for each category, and for each combination of categories. Statistics can be viewed in graphs or exported to a file. The Dimlog data file as a whole can be exported to and imported from XML. The categories, on which you log time, are organized in trees. For example, all projects and subprojects are organized in a project tree, and users can be organized in groups and departments. You can decide which category trees you want. For example, it is possible to add an extra category tree to record the hourly rate for the time that is spent. To record a time spending, the user selects one element of each category tree, and clicks the Start button, or enters the start and stop time manually. You can view and edit previously entered sessions. Dimlog can also be used as a repository of links to files and web pages. Files can be attached to projects, types of activity, or other categories. When someone starts to work on a project, he can quickly open its associated file by double clicking on the project category.

Keywords: time, recording, timer, timesheets, task, todo item, todo list, project, category, activity, session, tree, statistics, export, graph, stopwatch

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