progeCAD perpetual license offers an affordable way to draw AutoCAD DWG and DXF files - edit existing files or cerate your own - using similar commands and icons as used in previous releases of AutoCAD itself. Many choose progeCAD over AutoCAD LT because of it's low cost (currently less than USD $500) and features like 3D modelling and AutoLISP which are blocked in AutoCAD LT. progeCAD is commonly used by tens of thousands of users globally in a wide variety of industry domains, including building design, electrical and plumbing, telecommunications and fibre-optic diagrams, civil land survey, engineering, fabrication, joinery and much more. With progeCAD Professional 2018, a CAD drafter can create very large complex drawings and save directly to AutoCAD or AutoCAD LT without data loss or conversion.
Improved 3D scene rendering by Artisan included, PDF import and export (with layer support), quick dimension tool, raster-image-to-vector converter and more. PDF & 3D PDF, SVG, STL 3D printing and Google Earth KML export, ACIS 3D Solids modelling, temporary point snap (oSnap), layers, blocks, IntelliCAD AutoLISP, VBA-VSTA, True DRX C++ API. Enhanced block data extraction, gradient boundary hatch and xref editing. progeCAD Professional includes the best IntelliCAD CAD symbols library manager free. Includes free EasyArch for architectural drawing of walls, doors, windows, stairs etc.
Additional formats imported or exported by progeCAD:
ESRI Shape Files,
Microstation Bentley V8 .dgn,
Collada .DAE,
ECW Images,
Point Cloud,
DWF (as underlay),
Povray (export Only),
3DS (export Only),
STL 3D Printing (export Only),
Other enhancements include choice of 64-bit or 32-bit namtive versions, as well as:
Superhatch command accessible through the Express Tools menu has been introduced to create amazing hatches out of images, blocks, external references and wipeout objects. progeCAD 2018 further delivers:
Contextual Ribbons
Toolbars locking
Clickable Command Prompt Options (strin

Keywords: cad, design, software, autocad, autocadlt, progecad, intellicad, download, caddit, drawing, graphics

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