ChemEng Economics Calculator was mainly made to do the basic method of estimating the Net Present Value of a process plant. This easy to use software also include few small calculators, below is a list of the main features:
+ Net Present Value- the software goes through a series of calculations to do the estimate!. Starting from,
1.Fixed Capital Investment: the ability to chose from "Purchased Cost" of plant items, hence the estimation of FIXED&TOTAL CAPITAL INVESTMENT (Direct and Indirect Costs), OR "Installed Costs" of plant items where the software will use a FIXED CAPITAL INVESTMENT multiplyer to take into accout the additional cost associated with building the plant.
2.Operating Labour: through a basic series of "Auxiliary Facilities" and "Process Equipment" lists the software will estimate the TOTAL NUMBER OF OPERATOR NEEDED & ANNUAL COST OF OPERATING LABOUR. You simply enter the "Expected Annual Salary of Operators in The Plant" and "The Number of Units", the software will then calculate the "THE NUMBER OF OPERATORS NEEDED PER SHIFT" .
3. Utilities: To calculate the "TOTAL UTILITY COSTS/YEAR".
4.Raw Materials & Profits:Calculates the ANNUAL cost of Raw Materials and ANNUAL Products Profits.
5.Production Costs: Calculate the ANNUAL Production Costs (customised calculations).
6.Assumptions: The software uses assumptions to estimate the NET PRESENT VALUE.You can customise the assumptions to suit your needs, "Plant Construction Period up to 5 Years", "Depreciation Period from 3 to 20 Years", "Plant Operation Period up to 20 Years", you can also set the "Tax Rate %", "Discounted Cash Flow Rate %" and "Salvage Value %", You can also SET INFLATION RATE.
Please visit webbusterz for more information

Keywords: process, industrial, economics, chemical, engineering, management, net present value, update, plant, cost, estimates

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