+ Step by step design and rating calculations.
+ Support S.I Units and English (U.S) Units of measurement
+ a Units converter is also included!
+ Save, Load and generate result in different formats
+ Generate Results and export it to Shell & Tube Engineering Data sheet that can be also saved as a .pdf document.
+ Export results to ms excel generated data sheet for editing. Export to .csv file format. Export to .rtf file format for word processing to open in ms word and similar packages. Also options to copy and paste results as well as print preview and printing
+ Performs thermal analysis calculations and some mechanical calculations, as it is too lengthy to list all the calculations, a summary has been listed below. Please visit our website for more details.
+ Unknown Flow rate on either shell or tube side
+ Unknown temperature on shell side or tube side
+ Unknown exit temperatures on both sides
+ Duty, Area, Shell/Tube velocities, Pressure Drops
+ Number of Baffles and Baffle spacing, Number of tubes, Scale resistance, cleanliness factor
+ Overall heat transfer coefficient for both Clean and Fouled conditions
+ Select from different correlations to calculate shell or tube heat transfer coefficient or simply enter the coefficients (database of some common coefficients included)
+ Shell/Tube side Reynolds & Nusselt numbers
+ Recommended minimum shell thickness, minimum recommended number & diameter of rods.
+ Calculate Shell/Nozzle/Channel/Head/Tube sheet Thickness.
+ Number of transfer units, Effectiveness, Thermal capacity ratio
+ Pumping power / Inlet and Exit Nozzles pressure losses
+ Ability to import properties to Shell/Tube sides form Ms Excel very useful if you want to import your own physical properties
Included Databases:
+ Estimate Physical properties of pure components and mixtures for more than 1450 components (Separate software included with the full version supports liquids only)
+ Tube counts, Fouling factors .... and more.

Keywords: heat, exchanger, design, rating, shell, tube, process, chemical, engineering

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