+Vertical thermosiphon design using kern method
+Support S.I Units and English (U.S) Units of measurement
+Unit Converter includes 23 measurements units with 200-unit conversions
+Select TEMA types/designations
+Heat load can be entered or calculated
+Counter flow or parallel flow arrangement
+Calculate or specify Recirculation ratio
+Calculate or specify exit vapor mass fraction
+Calculate pressure drops, overall heat transfer coefficients..etc, the table included below includes more details on calculated variables but not limited to all of them.
+The calculations are preformed using trial and error basis. Based on the user's choice the software can either start with iterating the recirculation ratio or the tube length.
+Minimum and maximum circulation ratio as well as minimum and maximum tube lengths can be specified for iterations.
+The software will also allow the user to enable built in tube counts tables or use own values for specifying tube dimensions and number. If use is using own dimensions; the software can also calculate the number of tubes and shell diameter.
+Advisory design recommendations and validation for maximum heat flux density rate.
+Mist flow at tube outlet check
+Driving force check
+Liquid height for circulation check
Available tables and databases;
Water and steam properties, Fouling Factors, Material thermal conductivities, Typical film heat transfer coefficient values, store your own values too!.
Estimate the Physical properties of pure components for more than 1450 components; the database has the ability to estimate Thermal Conductivity, Density, Heat Capacity and Viscosity. The database also included critical properties, boiling and melting points and come as a standalone interface but easily integrated with the software.
Estimate mixture properties.Ability to add your own properties in the additional user databases.
Tube counts...read more on our website

Keywords: thermosiphon, reboiler, shell and tube, heat exchanger

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