FileSee is a powerful All-In-One file viewer. It is a tool that helps you to view files quickly. FileSee is a combination of a file manager, a text file viewer, an image viewer, a flash player, a video player, a mp3 player, a midi player, a hex file editor, a html viewer, a zip file decompresser, a filename batch renamer and manager, a desktop searching engine, a dll viewer, a wav to mp3 converter, a pdf text extractor.... So, FileSee is an All-In-One file viewer and a powerful file manager! FileSee's interface is similar to Windows Explorer. Supported file types include: txt, html, htm, mht, shtml, shtm, swf, jpg, jpeg, gif, tif, tiff, bmp, psd, vsd, png, ico, wmf, wmf, tga, pcx, wbmp, jp2, jpc, pgx, pnm, ras, j2k, midi, mid, mp3, wav, avi, mpg, mpeg, wma, wmv, asf, flv, zip, rar, cab, gzip, jar, tar, bh, lha, zoo, ace, arc, arj, fxd, fxr, fxm, xls, xl, xlt, ppt, pps, pot, doc, dot, exe, dll, ocx, ax, rm, ram, ra, rmvb, rp, rpm, rt, wpl, wmx, wmd, wmz, wax, wvx, cda, rmi, aif, aifc, aiff, au, snd, dvr-ms, mpe, mlv, mp2, mpv2, mp2v, mpa, mov, qt, amv, mkv, webm, mp4, m4v, mp4v, mpv4, ogm, ogv, m2v, m2p, evo, ts, m2ts, mts, m2t, tps, hdmov, 3gp, 3gpp, 3g2, 3gp2, ifo, vob, bdmv, mpls, mka, m4a, aac, flac, wv, mpc, ape, apl, ofr, ofs, alac, tta, ac3, amr, etc.

Keywords: FileSee, file viewer, flash player, midi player, image viewer, mp3 player, file preview, renamer, html viewer, text file viewer, hex file viewer, file manager, hex eidtor, zip decompress, flv player

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