Perfect image viewer (for gif, jpg, bmp and ico files) with handy features: 1. Email your image files to multiple recipients (if you want you can send them resized to save your recipients mail box space). 2. Intelligent file resizer to save storage space on your hard disk. 3. intelligent file renamer to rename the files you made with your digital camera (eg. to myholiday-001.jpg in which the numbering will be automatically set). 4. a 'copy-to' option, to quickly copy a file to another folder. 5. Slide show option which enables you to sit back and watch all images in a folder. 6. A date-time set option. You can use this program when you use a digital camera and you want to keep the original date/time stamps after you have edited the image.

Keywords: images, image viewer, gif, gif viewer, jpg, jpg viewer

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