Advanced Find and Replace is exactly what the name implies. It's fast, easy to use, and a great time-saver for programmers and Webmasters in particular. This powerful utility lets you perform text searches on your local computer as if you were using an Internet search engine. It features support for operators that allow you to specify phrases, words to insist on (+), and words to ignore (-). You can easily apply filespec, date, and size filters to speed up the search. The program also allows you to replace simple or multiline strings. Specify your search-and-replace strings, then choose the action you'd like to take: delete the search string, insert text before or after it, or simply replace it. You can even apply multiple changes to large groups of files in a single operation and use optional confirmation if you need to be more selective. Excellent documentation is included.

Keywords: search, find, replace, grep, multi-line, find files, multiple, wildcard, regular expression, text, html, asp, webmaster, perl, xml

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