The Effect Maker allows you to customize JavaScript effects like scrollers, slide shows and messengers with your own texts, fonts and images. No JavaScript development skills are needed. With a few clicks you can start creating your own effects. You can have several customizations of one type of effect in your site. All standard web fonts are supported and if you like you can specify your own custom font if you support it by your HTML/CSS3 setup or template.
The following effects are included:
- Rotating Gallery - rotate your images around in a carousel giving them a real 3D feeling
- Image Scroller - Scroll a selection of images vertically or horizontally
- Horizontal Scroller - a ticker effect with side fading
- Vertical Scroller - a vertical ticker effect width side fading
- Image Fader - a simple slide show that fades images into each other
- Text Fader - a messenger where texts are fading into each other
- Scramble Message - Your message is hurrying to scramble in and out
- Falling Text - Your message is falling down!
- Water Drop Show - Let drops of water fall on your slides with one big splash showing the next.
- Shuffle Show - Shuffle your slides like a card deck with this effect
Effects are easily inserted into your web sites by pasting the HTML code and including a generated .js file into your web site folder. Multiple configurations effects are supported in a single HTML page, thanks to the JavaScript instancing technology in Effect Maker.
Internet Explorer 9.0, Chrome and Firefox supported. Some effects may work on earlier versions of Internet Explorer down to version 8.0.

Keywords: Javascript effects, web effects, scrollers, slide shows, galleries, announcement, easy insertion, effect, effects, free scrolling, gallery, image viewer, viewers for images, javascript, jquery, media, no programming, photo galleries, galleries of pho

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