RF Toolbox is an antenna design and electronics/electrical tool package. It takes you step by step through the design of the following types of antennas: Dipole Fat Dipole Yagi J-Pole Super J-Pole Log Periodic Cubic Quad Vertical helical It also performs the following calculations: Transmission Line Calculator Coil Design LC Filter Design Transmission Line Loss L Matching Networks Pi Matching Networks Impedance Calculations Wire Gauge and Resistance and Voltage Drop Wire Inductance Calculations. With the transmission line calculator, you can select the type of line, length, operating frequency, and calculate the losses, as well as the SWR and losses from SWR due to impedance mismatch. The load impedance can also be calculated from the measured impedance at the line input.

Keywords: radio, amateur, antenna, dipole, yagi, vertical, cubic, quad, log, periodic, j-pole, coil, transmission line

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