In the event of theft or disaster, Everything I Own could be the most important program on your computer. Keep track of every item in your home or collection. List purchase price, replacement cost, warranties, locations, types of items, condition of items, where it was purchased, and more. You can add your own data items when needed. View and Print single item reports, or the entire database. Sort and Filter Data on screen and in all the Reports. Easy to use 'Backup' and 'Restore'. Check to see if Warranties have expired, or will expire within the next 60 days. And much more. Maintain separate inventories for different residences. A 'Quick Start' Menu option can have you running the program in a matter of minutes. The 'Online Help' files contain many pictures and easy to read text. Message boxes will aid you whenever something needs to be done, or typed incorrectly. The integrity of the data is maintained at all times. You will be reminded to backup your data, if you have added or edited records. This is done when exiting the program or when changing to a new inventory. And now Everything I Own is Windows 8 compatible.

Keywords: home, household, inventory, possessions, collection, software, shareware, data, stuff, things, home inventory, household inventory, insurance inventory

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