A program for amateur radio digital communications via a sound card. Supported modes are RTTY (Baudot code), ASCII (7 or 8 bits), PSK31 (BPSK and QPSK), BPSK63, QPSK63, BPSK125, AMTOR-FEC (SITOR-B, NAVTEX), MFSK16, MFSK8. HF-PACKET and UHF-PACKET (AX25) are supported in KISS-TNC emulation mode. SELFEC SITOR, AMTOR-ARQ (SITOR-A) and DTMF-code decoding is also possible. No additional hardware required - you need only transceiver and computer (Pentium-100 or better) with a sound card. Optionally you can use simple circuit fo PTT-control. It make fast and convenient frequence control, has a lot macros for tramsmitting. Can cooperate with RZ4AG AAlog logger.

Keywords: RTTY software, PSK31, BPSK, QPSK, AMTOR, SITOR, FEC, SELFEC, NAVTEX, HAM, PACKET, AX-25, MFSK, MFSK16, MFSK8, radio, digital mode, soundcard

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