Scientific Advantage? is a Unit Aware? calculator that lets you work with feet-inch-fraction dimensional values and includes advanced math functions, automatic solvers, and much more. Unit Aware? means that you can effortlessly compute with units (not just convert). It also has great options like algebraic and RPN entry, customizable buttons for unit entry, and display precision options. Available for both Windows and Windows Mobile? Pocket PC.
Here are some of the features that make Scientific Advantage? a powerful tool.
- Works with and displays Feet-Inches-Fractions (e.g., 24' 7-3/16")
- User-selectable inch fraction denominator (2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, or 1000)
- Converts among and computes with over 200 different units (ft, m, lb, yd3, etc.), including both English/Imperial and SI/Metric units
- Computes directly with dimensional values (e.g., 70 lb/ft3 x 5 yd3 = 9450 lb)
- Algebraic and RPN entry modes (user selectable)
- Allows entry of feet-inches-fractions using the decimal key. For example, to enter 4' 3-21/32", you would press [4] [.] [3] [.] [2] [1]
- Allows entry of any denominator (after entering numerator, just press [.] to enter a new denominator)
- Dedicated buttons for picking the units that you use most often (you can assign the units that you want to these buttons)
- Mini-keypad for easy entry when working with Solvers
- Triginometric - sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan
- Logarithmic - log, ln, 10x, ex
- Power - x2, square root, yx
- Hyperbolic - sinh, cosh, tanh, asinh, acosh, atanh
- Bessel functions - J0, J1, Y0, Y1, I0, I1, K0, K1
- Gamma function
- Error function
- Factorial
- Random number
- Circle
- Cone
- Cube
- Cylinder
- Rectangular Box
- Sphere
- Stairs
- Triangle - Oblique
- Triangle - Right
- Choice of display precision, including fixed decimal places or

Keywords: calculator, units, convert, feet, inch, fraction, RPN, algebraic, significant, digits, metric, imperial, english, scientific, gamma, bessel, error, trig, log

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