+S.I & English (U.S) Units of measurement.
+Unit converter includes 23 measurements units with 200-unit conversion
+Ability to import properties to Hot/Cold sides from Microsoft Excel.
+Export Results to Microsoft Excel Engineering Datasheet
+Calculate unknown temperatures or flow rate
+Perform thermal analysis for bare tube double pipe (hairpin) heat exchangers.
+Perform thermal analysis for finned tube double pipe (hairpin) heat exchangers.
+Choose from Counter Current or Co-Current Flow arrangement
+Choose from Series arrangement or Series-Parallel arrangement.
+Auto allocate Hot/Cold fluids within the heat exchanger (Inner Pipe or Outer Pipe).
+Select from different correlations to calculate Cold/Hot side heat transfer coefficient. Also the ability to adjust Nusselt number if you do have a different correlation.
+ Add your own Nusselt number correlation
+Calculate the Area, Flow area, Length, Log Mean Temperature Difference, Number of Hairpins, Unknown Flow rate.
+Calculate the scale resistance (dirt factor), Equivalent Diameter.
+Calculate Pipe/Annulus side Reynolds, Nusselt numbers & Prandtl Numbers.
+Duty, Clean and Design Overall heat transfer coefficient calculations
+Pipe/Annulus velocities and Mass velocity calculations
+Number of Transfer Units & Thermal Capacity ratio calculation.
+Clean and Fouled Fin Efficiency calculations for finned tube heat exchanger.
+Pressure drop calculations & Entrance and Exit losses.
+Physical properties estimation of pure components for more than 1450 components; the database has the ability to estimate Thermal Conductivity, Density, Heat Capacity and Viscosity. The database also included & come as a standalone interface but easily integrated with the software.
+User database functions to allow user to add/delete fluids and load to hot/cold side (Empty database!)
+Fouling factors

Keywords: heat exchanger, double pipe, hairpin heat exchangers, thermal design calculations

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