PurgeFox is specifically designed for users of the popular FireFox browser to remove the surfing tracks retained by FireFox, I.E. and Windows. It lets you easily protect the Cookies you want to keep and quickly delete the rest. Now suppports Win-8 and IE-10.
This superb utility eliminates your surfing tracks. Cache files, unwanted Cookies, History, Forms History, Recent Links, Recycle Bin and the Windows Temp Folder are the categories you can eliminate. PurgeFox includes 'secure erase' and support for Plugins. A Plugin Manager is available for creating your own Plugins to delete files, folders and registry entries. PurgeFox manages its cleanup functions without requiring a system restart.
A recent upgrade implements a function to randomize Cookies data.

Keywords: vista, protected mode, firefox, purgeie, cookies, cache, history, track cleaner, footprints, clean, security, protect, secure erase, secure delete, firefox 3

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