Advanced Uninstaller PRO 12 is the ultimate uninstaller for Windows. You can uninstall programs quickly and completely using its simple and intuitive interface. The new design style offers a much better user experience while the software remains fully compatible with all versions of Windows (10, 8, 7, Vista, XP, Server both 32 and 64 bit editions).
The Installation Monitor can watch all the actions that a program performs on your computer while it installs. Advanced Uninstaller PRO remembers these changes so later you can completely uninstall that program, making sure nothing is left behind. This tool can remove any program without a trace.
Advanced Uninstaller PRO can also remove a lot of items that other uninstallers don't even touch. It repairs broken registry entries, cleans non-functional Start Menu shortcuts, uninstalls browser toolbars, plugins and hijackers, removes fonts and gets rid of startup programs that slow down your PC.
The program is especially designed to be very clear, fast, pleasant and intuitive. Easy to read information and help is readily available throughout the program, guiding you every step of the way.
Advanced Uninstaller PRO helps your PC run at full speed by taking good care of the Windows registry and services. It also helps you free disk space by detecting and removing duplicate files and helping you turn on the Windows file compression if needed.
Surf the Internet and open any website without worry. Advanced Uninstaller PRO can defend your right to privacy by shredding the files and folders you choose in such a way that they won't ever be recovered.
With the latest Advanced Uninstaller PRO 12, you have all the tools you need to uninstall programs, speed up and fix your PC, protect your privacy, remove lots of annoying plugins, toolbars and browser hijackers that other cleaning tools don't detect and remove.
Advanced Uninstaller PRO runs on Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP.

Keywords: uninstaller, uninstall Windows application, monitor installation, Windows service, duplicate files, shortcut cleaner, registry optimizer, remove application, Internet Explorer toolbar, Google Chrome add-on, Firefox add-on, plugins, toolbars, free dis

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Advanced Uninstaller PRO 12.22 |
Author: | Innovative Solutions
Other programs by Innovative Solutions
Downloads: |
1337 |
Size: |
10962K |
Cost: |
$0.00 US |
Users Rating: |
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Feedback: |
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License: |
Freeware [?] |
Operating Systems: |
Release Status: |
update (2018-08-21) |
Recent Changes: |
Advanced Uninstaller PRO got even better! Improved uninstaller clean-up. Full support for Windows 7 and Windows 8 beta. Major Advanced Uninstaller PRO user interface redesign. New tools for cleaning up web browsers: Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Firefox. |
Supported Languages: |
English, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish |
Additional Requirements: |
Minimum 128 MB RAM, 80 MB free disk space |
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