Dicom calculates, converts and computes. The first ever computing tool that deals with dimensions of physical quantities in mathematical expression, Dicom, has the answer to expression like: 30 mi./h.+6 ft./s.+15.24 m./s. to ft./s. Dicom can evaluate expressions anywhere in a rich text formatted document. It has a built-in rich text editor. Process your words, numbers, and measurements at one place.
Conventional software based calculator usually simulates the real calculators. Dicom has a calculator which is very different. It is rather an expression evaluator. And probably for the first time, you can evaluate dimensional expression. It has a unit converter too. That allows you to quickly convert from one unit to another. And as stated already, it has a built in rich text editor that can process texts as well as dimensional expressions.
Dicom document is rich text formatted (RTF) file, which is portable across many applications and platforms. Dicom document, however, is not meant to be a word processed file, there are already robust software to do that business of word processing. In a Dicom document you can write your formatted text and expression together which form the Dicom Input Document. Later you can process the file to evaluate the expressions within the document. Dicom will generate a
corresponding Output Document.
Dicom can be useful in many areas, especially in science and engineering. Besides the need of quick calculation or unit conversion, some possible applications of Dicom can be, design verification, quick estimates, surveying, laboratory calculation, research, student's work sheet, etc. If you find Dicom is helpful in your area, the Author would be pleased to know about that.

Keywords: knowbotron, dicom, calculator, scientific, engineering, unit aware, converter, unit, conversion, measurement, knowledge, free, download, freeware, software, intelligence, intelligent, data, information, development, mathematics, calculator, engineering, estimate

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