PhysPro Fluid Properties is a physical properties estimation software that uses two powerful databases, both databases include over 400 fluids (including 55 common refrigerants). The software also include humid air properties and has the ability to estimate mixture properties using common property packages. You can also generate saturation tables for more than 80 fluids, plot charts and generate physical properties tables. Copy and paste all data to any document or print output.
The software has the following features:
+ Utilizes two powerful databases, the first has 0ver 150 fluids, the second has 400 fluids
+ Includes 55 Common refrigerants
+ Calculate Constant properties and mixture properties
+ Estimate Humid Air Properties including dew point, Humidity ratio, wet & dry bulb temperatures, Enthalpy, Entropy, specific volume, density and viscosity.
+ Generate saturation tables for more than 80 fluids
+ Estimate Fluid properties at any specified temperature and pressure you set up (Subject to correlations and equations limitations)
+ Calculate Mixture Vapor phase properties and liquid phase properties (Mixture can contain up to 12 Fluids)
+ The calculations for mixture properties can be at custom temperature and pressure
+ Select from 15 different property packages available during mixture estimation.
+ Supports SI units of measurement
Demo version will work for 30 days with limitations.

Keywords: physical properties, Fluid properties, Mixture properties, chemical properties

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