Calculate the sonic velocity of a specified gas flowing in a pipe. Sonic velocity is also known as speed of sound. This is mainly the sound velocity of the internal substance in a pipe. This calculator is mainly targets process and chemical engineers whom may find it useful for quick check calculations.
The calculator has a small database that contain the following 51 gases and their specific heat ratio along with their molecular weights for quick reference
The calculator needs only the Temperature input to calculate the sonic velocity. The Temperature can be specified in
Degrees Celsius ('C)
Degrees Fahrenheit ('F)
Degrees Rankine ('R)
Degrees Kelvin ('K)
You can choose "Other" from the selection box and enter your own Specific heats ratio or alternatively enter the Specific heat ratio at constant volume and Specific heat ratio at constant pressure.
The calculated sonic velocity in pipe (speed of sound) output is displayed in 5 different units:
meters per seconds (m/s)
feets per second (ft/s)
inches per second (inch/s)
kilometer per hour (km/h)
miles per hour (mile/h)

Keywords: sonic velocity, speed of sound, gas sonic velocity in pipes

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