Loadcalc 2017 performs panel schedules and service and feeder load calculations for commercial occupancies and single family dwellings. It also prints panelboard directories in two sizes (4x6 inch and 6x8 inch) for inside the panelboard doors or covers. The 2014 National Electrical Code is fully supported.
Panel Schedules:
Single or three phase.
Commercial or residential.
Load calculations and demand factoring according to occupancy type.
Service/feeder load calculations for single dwelling units
Standard Calculation Method (NEC Article 220), Optional Calculation Method (NEC Article 220-30), and Additional Loads in Existing Dwelling Units Calculation Method (NEC Article 220-31).
Calculates net computed load in VA and amperes, and calculates the total service entrance load.
Panelboard Directories: Prints directories for the inside of panelboard doors.
Standard Calculation Method
Demand Factoring:
General Lighting, Small Appliance and Laundry Loads.
Cooktop, Range, Wall Oven.
Fixed Appliances.
Largest Motor Load.
Optional Calculation Method
Demand factoring of 'other loads' as per NEC 220-30.
Allows input of heating system type as per NEC Table 220-30, automatically determines the larger of heating or cooling load.
Additional Loads In Existing Dwelling Units
Load calculations for existing dwelling units presently served by a 120/240 volt or 120/208Y service.
Quick Reference Tables From The NEC
Can be viewed on screen or printed.
File Save/Load
Save individual data files for later recall.
Specify default data directory
Input up to four lines of data which will print at the top of your report.
Print Preview & Printed Reports
Print preview screens show reports as they will print.
Professional, detailed printed reports.

Keywords: NEC, Electric, Electrical, Panel Schedule, Contractor, Engineering, Service, Panel

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