Boachsoft smartmanager is an excellent video rental software.
It has all you need to run you video rental store. It comes with a lot of features
which include barcode printing, reservations, an excellent account system, multiple user administration,
prepaid rentals. Also the program can be used to make sales of sundries.
The program has excellent reports designed to keep the manager informed and efficient.
The software comes with a very reliable customer accounts tracking system. Whether you want to
rent out movies or games or simply sell a product boachsoft smartmanager really makes it easy
and efficient for you.\r\n\r\n
Please be reminded that Boachsoft would never sell the source code of
any of our products. Report any attempt to sell the source code of any
of our products to your local laaw enforcement agency and us.

Keywords: video rental software, video store software, dvd rental software, boachsoft, SmartManager, video rental, video, rental, DVD rental software, costume rental software, equipment rental software

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