Schematic is a diagramming tool that allows you to combine text, pictures, shapes and connectors to create clear and informative diagrams. Schematic has a clean and easy to use GUI, including a tree-view for easy object navigation, an object preview window and a zoom/pan window. Schematic also features full undo/redo functionality.
One of Schematic's powerful drawing features is the way that connectors and sockets work. Connectors allow visual connections to be made between graphical objects. These connections are both visual and logical, meaning that when graphical objects are moved any connector objects attached to them are automatically adjusted to maintain the connection. Connectors will snap to object perimeters or any existing socket objects which define specific snap locations. A variety of different connectors are available including Bezier, right-angled and forked connectors.
All objects can be snapped to specific locations on the page. The snap location spacing can easily be adjusted.
Schematic comes with a variety arrow types including pointed, diamond and circular. Arrows can be situated at end-points and at specific locations along a line or connector.
Schematic comes supplied with a rich collection of specialist objects known as widgets. These can be accessed via the object repository and exist in a hierarchy so that they can be located easily. Schematic comes supplied with many specialised graphical libaries including UML, electrical, network, flowchart, DFD and ERD libraries.
Users can easily create there own widgets for later inclusion in diagrams. A widget can simply be an existing object that has been customised by having some of its properties changed or be an existing drawing object with other drawing objects attached to it as children. The supplied sets of widget files were all created as user-defined widgets using Schematic.
Schematic includes print preview support and the export of diagrams as EMF, PNG and JPG files.

Keywords: graphics, UML, Electrical, network, flowchart, diagramming, tool, windows, DFD, ERD, diagram, flowcharting, data flow, entity relationship, EER

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