SimpleCoversheet is a free application for printing bar code document separator sheets and Avery labels.
Unlike other freeware barcode printing software, SimpleCoversheet is designed to work with data sources like SQL databases, spreadsheets and text files to dynamically build lists of bar codes to print. This is especially useful in document scanning applications where barcodes are used to identify and file documents automatically.
Purchase the FULL version to get advanced features like command line integration, batch printing and server-based PDF creation.
Supports a wide variety of bar code types, including Code 39, Code 128, PDF417, DataMatrix, UPC and Postnet.
Typical SimpleCoversheet usage scenarios include:
Network scanners, digital copiers & MFPs: Anyone can print a barcode coversheet, place it on the document and scan it on a shared network device.
Backfile conversions: Service bureaus and scanning departments documents often need to scan old files that are organized and correspond to data from another application, such as a customer database. SimpleCoversheet can connect to the database and print coversheets for each file. These are placed in front of the files during preparation, eliminating all manual indexing from the process.
Web-based coversheet printing: Web applications can use SimpleCoversheet to generate PDF bar code pages that users can print without having to install any software on their computer.
Company scanning departments: Coversheets are a great way to ensure that the person who indexes a document is the person that knows the most about how it should be filed. Users simply print a coversheet and place it on the document before it is sent to the scanning department.
Document separation & quality control: Create generic coverpages with a fixed barcode that is used to indicate document breaks and automatically group together multi-page files.

Keywords: barcode printing, bar code printing, print barcode, create barcode, PDF417, DataMatrix, Code 39, Code 128, patch code, cover page, coversheet, cover sheet, PDF, barcode scanning, barcode OCR, QR code, UPC, document barcode, bar code

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