PDF417 empowers you to encode more than 1000 alpha-numeric characters within one symbol. PDF417 is able to encode ASCII and Extended ASCII characters. Solution for MicroPDF417 barcode is also included in the package.
crUFLbcs.dll has a IPDF417 interface. IPDF417 interface has 2 methods: Encode and EncodeCR.
Encode accepts only one string parameter as input. it returns encoded code words.
EncodeCR accepts 7 parameters as input. It returns encoded codewords.
EncodeCR(strToEncode, index, MaxRow, FixedColumn, Security, CompactionMode, Truncated)
There is a true type font, a crystal reports UFL DLL and a GUI encoder included in the package.
There is also a sample in the package. You will find how easy it is to integrate bar coded PDF417 data with your own application.
Barcodesoft PDF417 Premium Packages include a 30-day money back guarantee. If you are dissatisfied with the product for any reason, you will receive a full refund within 30 days.

Keywords: pdf417, pdf 417 barcode, microPDF417, iso/iec 15438:2006, iso/iec 24728
