The IDAutomation GS1 UPC-EAN Barcode Fonts Package is an advanced font set with encoders, macros and source code that uses a single font file to create GS1-UPC, UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN-8, EAN-13, EAN-14, JAN, ISBN and Bookland barcodes. This package uses Patent Pending font technology by IDAutomation to produce extremely high-quality barcodes, even on low-resolution printers. Contains several font versions in many font formats (including TrueType, PostScript, OpenType, and PCL) for Windows, Mac, Linux, and a variety of other operating systems.
Updates included in the new 2020 release are:
* Updated digital signatures in TTF and OTF fonts.
* Modifications to support the latest versions of the .NET Framework.
* Added a Word mail-merge example to the package.
* Updated the Windows installer so that examples files install to {commondocs}\{#MyAppName}\Integration\ to allow modifications.
* Minor modifications to documentation and HTML links.
The download includes examples for Crystal Reports, Microsoft Excel, Word, and Access. Includes over 30 tools, macros and source code for easy integration into many applications which include a C++ .H file, Windows DLL, VB source, Office VBA, FileMaker Custom Functions, Crystal Reports Formulas and an Oracle Reports Library with PLL source and introducing the easy-to-use Microsoft Excel and Word Barcode Add-in. With a purchase of the Developer License or above, a full set of Web Fonts are included in WOFF, EOT and SVG formats to easily display barcodes in any web browser.
The demo version is fully functional. However, it contains a watermark in the 7 digits. For testing purposes, a successful scan may be obtained by scanning the lower area of the barcode that does not contain any watermark. For more information about the UPC/EAN Barcode Fonts and to download a demo of the package, please visit:

Keywords: upc barcode, ean barcode, upc barcoding, upc barcode fonts, UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN-8, EAN-13, EAN-14, JAN, ISBN, Bookland, GS1 UPC
