Related programs in Education - Science |
A high precision solar system simulator/calculator with interactive 3D viewing.
Advanced Pathway Painter
Display pathways (KEGG, GenMAPP...) for gene- and protein experiments.
Create, train, validate, query neural networks, import plain text or images.
Physicochemical and thermophysical properties for modelling and simulation
DTDF - Columna destilacion McCabe Thiele
DTDF - Diseño de columnas de destilacion por el metodo de McCabe Thiele
Idea Rover
Retrieve information for your research paper, essay, project, PhD dissertation.
2D Frame Analysis Dynamic Edition
Static and Dynamic analysis of frames,trusses and beams
2D Truss Analysis
Static analysis of trusses
DTDF - Design of distillation columns
DTTF Number of Theoretical Plates by McCabe-Thiele method for distillation tower
MCTH - McCabe Thiele Platos teoricos
MCTH Calculo del Numero de Platos Teoricos por McCabe-Thiele torres destilacion