This Matlab package allows for importing CAPE-OPEN version 1.1 thermodynamic and physical Property Packages into Matlab. A command driven package allows for selecting a CAPE-OPEN Property Package, and then perform thermodynamic and physical property calculations as well as thermodynamic equilibrium calculations inside Matlab.
The package defines the interfaces to communicate with CAPE-OPEN thermodynamic and physical Property Packages; it does not implement the thermodynamic engine itself. To use this package, you will need to have Matlab (version 5.3 or higher, 32-bit, or version 7.1 or higher, 64-bit) as well as a CAPE-OPEN version 1.1 compliant thermo system installed (for example, TEA which is shipped with the freely available CAPE-OPEN simulation environment COCO Simulator).

Keywords: CAPE-OPEN, Matlab, Thermodynamics, Chemical Engineering, Scientific Calculations
