This is a highly functional and easy to use Scientific Calculator. It incorporates extensive science tools including a triangle calculator, vector calculator, shape calculator, kinematic calculator, half-life calculator, maths calculator, gas laws calculator, statistical calculator, molar mass calculator, pH calculator and one of the most extensive measurement converters available. Over 300 commonly used compounds can be quickly called to list their name, formula, molecular mass and CAS number. Over 100 constants can be called to list their numerical value and uncertainty value. Over 300 formulas and equations are listed for science, maths, trigonometry and statistics. It lists over 200 science symbols, Greek symbols, maths and statistics symbols. Numerous science data reference systems can be called including SI units, derived quantities, maths laws, atomic structures, organic compounds, ions, homologous series, frequencies, shapes, angle types, conjugate pairs and acids and bases. The system contains extensive listings of electrical circuit symbols, piping and process symbols and material properties. It contains 8 colour coded periodic tables that can be used to find 30 types of property data for each element. It contains full electron configuration of the elements, radiation types and quantum numbers. Interactive flowcharts can be called for mechanical and electrical units. A glossary system contains the phonetic alphabet as well as extensive lists of science and medicine fields, and acronyms and abbreviations used in science and computing. It lists the activity series and describes chemical reaction types. It contains an event timer, yearly calendar and world times system. A help system explains operation, and system contents can be quickly located with a search system.

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Keywords: Easy to use scientific calculator, science tools, science data reference systems

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DPLS Scientific Calculator


Dot Point Learning Systems     Other programs by Dot Point Learning Systems






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Operating Systems:

Windows XP Windows Vista

Release Status:

update (2017-04-18)

Recent Changes:

Many new science tools and science data reference systems added.

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Additional Requirements:

Windows XP to Windows 10

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