Flow Architect Studio 3D is a software package for design and presentation. It enables you to design and visualize in 3D, any scene you need for example: buildings, interiors, spaces or your products. Flow helps you present your work to others with screenshots, movies and a real-time virtual 3D walkthrough. Virtual 3D walkthrough is a real-time interactive presentation that can take a form of an application in a single executable file or an O4C file. Visualization in a form of an application can be shown to your clients or audience and shared through a website. An O4C file can be published on a web page with a use of a free O4C Web Browser Plugin or viewed with a free O4C Viewer.
In PIXELPLAN Flow Architect Studio 3D
* You can quickly and easily create a visualization of any object.
* You can export created visualisations to O4C file format and then embed it on your website using a O4C Web Browser Plugin.
* You have to keep the facilities built preview (WYSIWYG).
* You have the ability to build any walls, structures and create custom objects.
* You can place models, lights and other objects freely in your design.
* You can arrange the lighting in a natural way.
* You can create animations of objects.
* You can build and use libraries of models, materials and textures.
* You can import models from other programs into libraries.
* You can very easly generate 3D virtual walk from your project.
Visualization created using PIXELPLAN Flow Architect Studio 3D
* Is a computer program that allows you to walk freely in your visualization.
* Uses the latest 3D technology.
* Has dynamic lighting, shadows, and other effects.
* Does not require the viewer to install Flow or any other software.
* Defines a new standard in visualizing your products and ideas.

Keywords: virtual 3D walk, graphics, visualization, architecture, design, CAD

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