Astroccult Rahu Kalam Calculator is a 100% free software tool to calculate accurately Rahu Kalam (Rahu Kaal), YamaGandam and Gulika Kalam. In Indian( Vedic) Astrology, Rahu Kalam, YamaGandam and Gulika Kalam have an important place. They are inauspicious periods of time in a day & therefore carefully avoided when finding muhurta (auspicious time) for beginning any new project, venture, business and important ceremonies like marriage, entrying a new house, baptism & name giving ceremony etc. The features of the software are:
The software accurately calculates the intra-day times of Rahu Kalam, YamaGandam and Gulika Kalam based on the input.
Gives information on Rahu Kalam and the Method to Calculate it.
Gives information on Yamagandam and Gulika Kalam.
Gives useful information on Rahu (Dragon's Head) and Ketu (Dragon's Tail), their nature and influence, the mantras to pacify them and their mythological background besides other details.
The software is 100% free, full-functional and has no expiry. It is useful for astrologers, muhurata (auspicious time) experts and just about anybody interested in Indian astrology and Rahu Kalam.

Keywords: rahukalam, yamagandam, gulikakalam. muhurata, calculator, astrology, vedic astrology, auspicious time, lagna, numerology

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