Astroccult Napoleons Oracle is a software based on an ancient Egyptian Oracle which was often consulted by Napoleon Bonaparte - the Emperor of France. The Oraculum was given in a book (a scroll) which the Emperor possessed. He consulted the Oracle on many occasions and it is said to have 'formed a stimulus to his most speculative and successful enterprises.' The Oraculum remained one of Napoleon's most prized possessions since the time it was discovered in one of the Royal tombs of Egypt during a French military expedition of 1801. The Oraculum was translated at the order of the Emperor by a celebrated German scholar and antiquarian. When Napoleon was defeated at Leipzig in 1818, he left behind him a ?Cabinet of Curiosities? among which this Oraculum was found by a Prussian Officer.

The astroccult software version of the Oraculum is based on an exact translation of Napoleon?s copy. Although the number of questions is not large, they cover a wide variety of practical human affairs & matters. Not only the Emperor but a large number of celebrities have found this Oraculum due to its astonishingly accurate answers, an invaluable help in shaping of their decisions and as a result, their destinies.

Now the same Napoleon's Oraculum is made available to anyone interested in the ancient Oracle once greatly trusted by the Emperor of France. It lets one be guided by divine powers. The software also has a brief introduction to ancient oracles and their background like The Oracle of Delphi, The Oracle of Delos, The Oracle of Ammon, The Oracle of Dodona etc..

The Oracle can be consulted on any matter right from financial matters to affairs of the heart and you should receive an accurate answer if you are sincere and your urge is genuine. One of the sixteen questions based on real human matters can be selected. The cryptic answer of the Oracle should help you gain a better understanding of the factors influencing the matter and the potential outcome.

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Keywords: napoleon's oracle, oracle, oraculum, book of fate, astrology, fortune teller, divination, occult, runes

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Astroccult Napoleon's Oracle 2.0

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Windows 98 Windows XP Windows Vista

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update (2011-06-10)

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It is Freeware now. better redesigned user interface. Free and full functional.

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PC with Hard Disk

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