Working as part of your team, Pimero is a convenient appointment calendar, contact list manager and email client - the ideal companion for small teams and individuals. If you are on the road frequently, work with several computers or bring together several people into a team, Pimero offers you unique benefits in appointment scheduling.
With its automatic synchronization, based on Microsoft SyncFramework technology, you need not give a second thought to how you maintain your appointments up-to-date. Every computer which runs Pimero synchronizes automatically with all other computers in the network. Take your notebook with appointments and task list on trips - regardless of what you change whilst on the road, it will synchronize with what has changed in the meantime in the office or at home as soon as you re-connect to the network.
Synchronization works in both directions. If you often work in different places, you always have access to your personal login from all computers in the network. This means that you have your information readily available - anywhere, anytime.
With its multi-user capabilities, you have the perfect tool for team-work. Display the appointments and task lists of colleagues, employees and friends next to one another - easily and clearly. Use the Team Meeting Finder to find available times for several users and specify who may enter and see other's information. Protect your private domain with private entries which only you can read, irrespective of any other settings.
Select between several entry categories and maintain a clear overview at all times.
Other features: Skype support, Import for Microsoft Outlook, vCard (.vcf) and iCalendar (.ics), Custom Fields for your contacts and tasks.
New in 2010 R5: Google / Android synchronization
New in 2010 R4: Support for iPhone synchronization

Keywords: address book, network, appointment, contact manager, team, calendar, group calendar, task, synchronization, client, server, team scheduler, teamwork, HTML email client, outlook alternative, IMAP, serial email, Facebook, WindowsMobile, LinkedIn, Twitter

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