AMC Calendar Wizard builds personalized, printable calendars. Use your choice of pictures, design elements, fonts, colors and special days. Its internal pagination function prints double-sided calendars, which hang like conventional bank calendars, even if you don't have a double-sided printer. Unlike commercially available dog calendars that never seem to offer the breed you like and Boris calendars that aren't as adventurous as you remember them being, your calendars can be custom made with AMC Calendar Wizard to suit your taste with the pictures you like. Build complete calendars in minutes, import your choice of graphics from many popular Windows applications and create calendars for any year from 1583 onward. You can also add your own important dates to your calendars and exchange calendar files with other users of AMC Calendar Wizard. We invite you to download a fully-functional evaluation copy and try it out. Easy to use and quick to learn, you'll be creating your own professional, custom-designed calendars in minutes with AMC Calendar Wizard.

Keywords: calendar, build, create, wall, calendars, pictures, graphics, home, hobby, organizer, print, bookware, wyccad, alchemy, mindworks, rimmer
