Group Net Send is a small command line utility that send messages to multiple users or groups of users. Our utliity uses the existing Microsoft Messaging Service to send a network message to the specified list of computers. With Group Net Send you can send messages to any username or computer name on your network. Just create a message.txt file with the message you want to send (supports CR LF characters). Next, create a usernames.txt that contains the list of all the users you want to send the message to. Configure those files on the command line and press enter, we do all of the work!
Group Net Send is perfect for triggering messages based on network events or when machines are rebooted. You can redirect the output to be used for other processes or stored in a log file for future use. You can even net send large files with the -S command line option, this allows messages that are too large to be split into multiple messages. The possibilities are endless with Group Net Send.
There is NO client installation required, users must be using Windows NT, 2000, 2003 or XP and have the Messaging Service started. Download a 100% fully functional shareware version of Group Net Send today.

Keywords: batch, cmd, script, userlist, list, groups, multiple, command line, Messaging, LAN, net send, net send command, utility, Network messaging, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, winpopup, netsend, communication software, instant, messenger, lan talk

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