Quick Personnel is a fast and efficient way to store HR information securely for your employees, staff and personnel. It allows for unlimited Companies to be created and unlimited employee / personnel / staff details to be added to each company. Quick Personnel allows you to keep track of employee / personnel / staff Holidays, Absenteeism (Lateness and Illness), Training, Discipline, Correspondence, Appraisals and a whole host of other details. You can store multiple Next Of Kin details, Salary details, Job descriptions and much much more. With the added ability to produce professional reports and a full blown security system we feel QuickPersonnel will meet most HR professionals needs. You can create multiple users and set security right to each part of Quick Personnel, locking your users out of areas of Quick Personnel or prevent them from seeing certain employee / personnel / staff details and records, ideal for Directors and higher management details.

Keywords: Human Resources, Personnel, employee, employees, staff, management, project, recruitment, attendance, time, software, Personel, records, employee records, employee details, holiday

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