The SLPSoft Interactive Project Modeling enables a project to be viewed as a model in order to reduce complexity and manage more efficiently. The software allows a project to be started where that project has a problem to solve and all employees who are working in the project are parts of the solution of the problem. The Interactive Project Modeling is so effective, it enables users to focus in the project and be very active. Some of the features of the Interactive Project Modeling software includes: employee management, group management, project status, project report, project problem definitional, employee collaboration and much more.
When installing in a computer, a user is able to identify every entities that make up a project including employees who are working in the project and their functions, groups of employees that are identified in the project and their functions, test result, employee feedback, employee collaboration and much more.
To start using the software, there is a comprehensive step by step user manual and tutorial that can be downloaded from this
The software comes with ready to use examples that include in the installation. . The sample is a complete project; it will let you explore many functionalities of the software; so click on many commands to explore the software functionality. More examples can be downloaded from the SLPSoft download page.
? Customer inclusion
? Project separation from model
? Project organization
? Project reports
? Project time management
? Project cost management
? Project problem identification
? Opening and closing project
? Project test result
? Project entity identification
? Ability to add user to project
? Ability to add user status
? Ability to add project status
? Project communication
? Natural entity identification
? All project entities identification
? Easy configuration

Keywords: Project Modeling, Project Manager, Project Management, Manage Employees, Cost Effective, Software for Project manager, Software Modeling, Software Diagramming, Agile Method, agile scrum methodology
