A handy, fast, reliable, precise tool if you need to perform complex mathematical calculations. Scientific Calculator Precision 54 is programmed in C#. All calculations are done in proprietary data type. The calculator handles mathematical formulas of any length and complexity. Calculation history can be stored into text file or printed. There are ten variables or constants available for storing often used numbers. Precision of calculations is 54 digits. Trigonometric, hyperbolic and inverse functions. Special numbers NaN, Uncertainty, and Infinity. The calculator follows classical approach when uncertainty of f(x) calculation is estimated by formula max|(derivative(f))|*|x*uncertainty(x)|, where maximum of function derivative is considered on interval [x-uncertainty(x),|x+uncertainty(x)], and uncertainty(x)=|x|*10^(-precision).

Keywords: Scientific Calculator, Decimal, High Precision, Trigonometric Functions, Hyperbolic Functions, Inverse Functions

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