Easy ShutDown,Restart,Log Off,Hibernate,Wake Up,Power Monitor Off,Hang Up Modem,Toggle Use Proxy,Close Internet Explorer Windows,Launch Control Panel Apps,Create Desktop Shortcut,Define System Wide Hot Key(Any Key Combination that works anytime),Schedule Actions for time based/automatic/daily/monthly Actions and much more.Registered Users get Free Upgrades.Trial Version does not have any nagging popups.Computer Related Actions may be defined as normal (ie any application that has any UnSaved Data will not be closed) and the actions may be defined as Brute in which the action will be performed however in case an application has some unsaved data (eg a Notepad file in which you have written something but not saved it) then the application will be closed & data might not be saved by the affected application. Register for $5.00 & get Free Upgrades as well.

Keywords: auto shutdown, shutdown, auto shutdown windows xp, auto shutdown software, shutdown pc, shutdown timer, automatic shutdown software, pc shutdown, shutdown programtime shutdown, power shutdown

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