- Power Monitor
- Clipboard Viewer: view clipboards content, save images to BMP, JPG, GIF formats with several options, save text to file, send text content to keyboard to emulate keystrokes (i.e.: saves time when have to enter long codes, etc.). Easy access at any time with Win+C combination (Windows Start Key and C letter).
- Catch others applications Shutdown/Restart/Logoff attempts.
- Allows to Shutdown (Shutdown, Restart, Logoff) computer in normal way or Fast Mode (forced).
- Can define how many seconds to wait before Shutdown.
- Fast File Finder tool
- Wait for windows to close/title change: allows you to setup Shutdown Manager to wait for a specified window(s) to be closed or title changed.
- Connect to a remote Shutdown Manager.
- Perform special Tasks before closing Windows, automatically (like delete Temp folder's content, Recent Used Files History, IE Cache, IE Cookies, Office XP Most Recent Used Files, Windows Tmp Files, Scandisk files, Typed URL's history, IE History, Recycle Bin, etc.).
- Take full screen shots and save to file at User's defined quality.
- Screen shots and Logs easy browser: Local Screen shots, Remote Screen shots, Screen shots taken just before Windows close, Tasks Log.
- Shows estimated completion Date and Time.
- Calendar Utility with options.
- Copy IP's to clipboard.
- Disable Windows Start Menu.
- Disable Windows Task Bar.
- Keyboard enabler/disabler: allows you to disable/enable Windows Start Key, Windows Context Menu Key, Control+Esc key combination, Windows Explorer's keys combinations (example: Win+E).
- Memory Defragmenter
- Animate Windows Start Button.
- Time Server, with standard NTP protocol, allows to synchronize your entire network computers (Home or Business) to a single computer using any Time Synchronization Tool, like Atomic clock of Comparator Fast.
- Tray Icons to Open CDs: keep all your CDs! With a simple click on your CD's icon on system tray, open it in Explorer, etc.

Keywords: shutdown, automate, remote shutdown, network, force, shutdown manager, before shutdown, close windows, closing windows, utilities, tools, add-ons, remote

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