BarcodeReader-ActiveX is an ActiveX component that can provide you with complete information about a barcode by scanning its image. With no delay you'll be able to know all main parameters of each barcode, such as its type, text, coordinates, raw data, etc. The component reads corrupted barcodes, has a great performance and is very easy to distribute.
BarcodeReader-ActiveX is designed to decode all major barcode types: Interleaved 2/5, Code 39, Code 39 Extended, Code 128, Code 11, Codabar, EAN-13, EAN-8, UPC-A and UPC-E.
The component supports multiple processing, so it can read all barcodes from an image simultaneously. It can also read barcodes with no quiet zone, which allows it to correctly recognize all barcodes regardless of their position (canted, upside-down, etc.).
The refined scanning engine doesn't require an image to be clear. It'll successfully read barcodes from blurred, noisy and low resolution images. In case a barcode itself is corrupted (torn or crumpled), it's not a problem either. BarcodeReader will read it. What's more, it can recognize barcodes printed on most of the surfaces, including plastic and distorted ones.
For those whose application can read from a camera, the data stream support feature can come in handy. Not only does the component read barcodes from images but it also allows you to specify a data stream as a source. In that case, saving images to files won't be needed.
All the features of BarcodeReader-ActiveX are accurately delivered in one tiny .dll file making the component easy to distribute. You will also find no problems with using the component in any environment like Visual C++, Visual Basic, VB .NET and C#. It can be smoothly integrated with any ActiveX container, e.g. IExplorer or MS Office applications. Along with the component, you'll find the sample source code for C/C++, Visual Basic, etc.

Keywords: barcode, reading, activex, ocx, controlsoftware, steuerelement, printing, bar, code, ean, ean13, ean8, UPC-A, UPC-E, code128, ean128, interleaved 2 of 5, codabar, internet, datamatrix, code39, code93, msi, upc, upca, upce, codabar, msi, ean2, ean5, word, excel, office, delphi, IIS
