Data replication, backup and synchronization software for the Internet and corporate networks. Has professional functionality:
-- one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many backup
-- many sources and targets (LAN, FTP, HTTP, E-mail, cloud, Windows Event Log, etc.),
-- working modes: as a Windows service and as an application
-- external security: SFTP, FTPS, IMAP, POP3S, HTTPS, AES, Blowfish, DES, Triple-DES, ZIP
-- internal security: user accounts with individual passwords and permissions
-- compression: built-in ZIP compression or integration with an external archiver
-- notifications: E-mail, SMS (through Android-powered smartphone or a dedicated gate), LAN and on-screen messages
-- remote control via a web-browser connected to the Internet
-- dozens of plug-ins
-- powerful file filtering: by file size, date, time, system attributes (Archive, System, Compressed, Read Only, Encrypted) including intervals and expressions (more, less, equal or more, etc.)
-- renaming: unconditional (regular expressions) and conditional (when file in target already exists)
-- flexible schedule: Periodical (incl. CRON), Daily, Real-Time, Linked (initiated by other task), etc.
-- reporting: customizable reports may be delivered by e-mail / saved to folder regularly or generated manually

Keywords: backup, replication, replicate, robocopy, sync, synchronize, monitor, monitoring, LAN, FTP, cloud
