iPod data undelete tool provides support to all iPods including iPod first generation to next generation iPod with different capacity like 512MB, 1GB, 2GB, 3GB, 4GB, video compatible 5GB audio video models, 20GB, 40GB, 80GB and other similar Sony, Toshiba, Sansui, Samsung digital media player. iPod music files retrieval utility is compatible with all windows based operating system including windows 98, 2000, ME, NT, XP (Home, Professional, media canter edition), 2003 server and windows vista (Vista Starter, Vista Home Basic, Vista Home Premium, Vista Business, Vista Enterprise, Vista Ultimate). Software provides complete recovery of all your favorite music songs stored on iPod portable digital media player. iPod data rescue tool support all music files including audio, video, mp3 songs, picture, movie or any kind of AAC/M4A, WAV, audio book and apple lossless audio files etc. This utility is an effective and efficient tool to recover lost data deleted from iPod due to accidental deletion, human error, virus infection, iPod disk is not recognized by the system, iPod memory is formatted or restored, iPod reset operation is performed, iPod is linked to other music library or improper system shut down when you transfer data from iPod to your PC.
* iPod data recovery utility recovers data even formatting and deletion is done by Microsoft Windows or apple Macintosh operating system.
* Software is easy to use and does not require any technical skill to operate it.
* Software is read only and non destructive tool recovers deleted, formatted or damaged iPod data.
* iPod data retrieval tool easily restores lost music files, mp3, aac, m4a, mp4, m4b, m4p audio video files.

Keywords: iPod, data, files, folders, recovery, utility, repair, damaged, corrupted, nano, mini, shuffle, rescue, inaccessible, lost, media player device, restore, formatted, apple iPod, software, retrieve, deleted, music, songs, tool, recover, audio, video

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