WirelessMon 2.0 enables a person to detect and monitor Access Points (AP) on any wireless (WiFi) networks within range. The program provides substantial information regarding each SSID it locates including whether the AP is secure (or not) and its availability for use.
A live 'channel usage' chart provides information on the level of traffic for each available channel. This information will assist network managers by indicating channels that could be used to reduce interference and improve throughput.
Users of the Professional Edition will have the additional bonus of being able to generate 'coverage maps' based upon the signal strength of all detected APs. To use this function, users need to import a map created by an another application (e.g. scanning). Once the map is loaded, users can either plot points manually on the map, or use a Global Positioning System (GPS) device. If done manually, the user selects a point on the map and the program automatically stores information on every AP it can detect there. GPS users need to establish two reference points, then they can leave it to the program to detect their location on the map and store the AP information for each point.
Network managers, laptop users and wardrivers will all find WirelessMon 2.0 to be the perfect tool for their wireless network requirements.

Keywords: wireless, wifi, monitor, detect, monitoring, network, wardriving, 802.11, coverage map, signal strength, access points

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