EventMeister is a powerful solution to centrally monitor and analyze Windows Event Logs. It will alert you to security issues and other critical events throughout your network, facilitate central archiving of log data and assist with analysis and meeting audit requirements. As EventMeister is a centralized monitoring solution there is no need to install agents on monitored PC's and servers!
EventMeister gathers information from Windows Event Logs throughout your network either in real-time, or according to a specified schedule. Incoming data is scanned to look for entry patterns of interest. If these are detected EventMeister can perform a variety of actions and alerts including sending email, writing to log, running scripts, batch files or applications and displaying popup messages and sound alerts.
The EventMeister log viewer presents gathered log data in a consistent, easy to read format. You can merge data from multiple logs for easier timeline analysis, filter, sort and reorganize columns, and create multiple views of the same data. At the click of a button you can export a view in various formats including text, csv, xml, formatted HTML reports and RSS feeds.
Data can be exported in a variety of formats (text, csv, xml, formatted HTML reports and RSS feeds) according to various triggers. This makes it easy to import data into a database or into analysis applications such as Excel or Crystal Reports. You can even publish your event logs as RSS feeds!

Keywords: Event Log Monitoring, Monitoring, Event Log, Windows Event Log, Log Reder, Log Viewer, Event Notification

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