Easy Time Clock Driver is our middleware software that is designed to maintain connection and communication between Easy Time Control database and your time clock of any type. It is used in order to poll punch records of your employees from your time clock device and transfer it to your database. We used newest world leading technology to develop this software so that it will seamlessly work on a background providing you with most accurate and efficient results. Easy Time Clock Driver is the ideal solution for any size organization and it is a key component of your Time and Attendance System that communicates with any type of time clock.
- Compatible with different types of biometric time clocks;
- Poll punch records of employees from any biometric time clock device;
- Transfer punch records to central database;
- Have user interface and working as service;
- Logging;

Keywords: time, attendance, time & attendance, time and attendance, biometric, time clocks, biometrics, payroll, automation, punch, card, security, handreader, hand reader, hand, reader, scanner, scaner

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