ChatterBlocker uses digital audio technology to mask the sound of speech and other distractions so you can focus on your work, not your coworkers. ChatterBlocker does not use noise cancellation. Instead, it masks unwanted conversations using a soothing blend of nature sounds, music and background voices. The goal is to render speech unintelligible, since intelligible speech is often the most distracting sound in the workplace.
ChatterBlocker also offers mindfulness meditation tracks intended to increase concentration, reduce distractibility and minimize the stress response to office noise. ChatterBlocker works with headphones or speakers. You can use ChatterBlocker to tune out distractions and increase concentration at the office, airports, cafes or anywhere.

Keywords: workplace, noise, distraction, conversation, sound, acoustics, cubicle, stress, chatter, chatterblocker, chatter blocker, chatter box, hyperacousis, tinnitus, work, office, meditation, masking, masker, music, sound effects, white noise, speech

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