Event Organizer Deluxe is a flexible event management software for Windows users. For any organization that would like to organize and manage event related information. Helps to organize and plan: conference, meeting, celebration, party, workshop, seminar, training sessions, business activities, webinars,... For the database novice, Organizer's intuitive interface and ready-to-use event management solutions make it easy to set up and use. Agenda Planner : database template that gives you an easy way to manage, plan and track all your event's agenda items. Plan and organize the following data: activity title, activity time and date, activity status, topic, presenter, location, comments, notes,.. Event Advanced : database template that allows you to maintain and organize Event information: event general data (title, date, status, description,...), event main contact information, event personnel, event documents (links to external documents: registration form, web, ..), event location, hotel, other addresses, event fee list, event agenda in a free form, notes, user fields. Event Basic : database template that allows you to maintain and organize Event information: event general data (title, date, status, description,...), event main, contact information, event location, hotel, other addresses, event fee list, event agenda in a free form, notes, user fields. Participant Advanced : database template that allows you to maintain and organize event participants: event participant general data, address, contact data, processing status, activity log, payments, description, notes, and more... Participant Basic : database template that allows you to maintain and organize event participants in a simple form.

Keywords: event manager, event management software, event software, event management software, software, event manager, windows, database, event manager

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